Tuesday, September 06, 2005

AIM IM with Highest Seraph.
8:00 PM
Sean Follmer: hey ben
Highest Seraph: sean
Sean Follmer: you replaced kevin
Highest Seraph: i want to start a dencity like thing here
Highest Seraph: or a yellowarrow thing
Sean Follmer: hu?
Highest Seraph: http://www.worldchanging.com/archives/003438.html#more
Sean Follmer: yah that is really cool
Highest Seraph: yeah it is
Sean Follmer: tag the world
Highest Seraph: exactly
Sean Follmer: metadata for the real world
Sean Follmer: thats the future of location based technology
Highest Seraph: i want to start something like that
Highest Seraph: it would be fun
Sean Follmer: except it will all be done wirelessly using gps and your cell phone
Highest Seraph: yeah
Sean Follmer: yep its going to be a cool place
Highest Seraph: go to dencity.net
8:05 PM
Highest Seraph: i already emailed dencity
Sean Follmer: about what
Highest Seraph: to ask if their software is opensource
Sean Follmer: oh cool
Sean Follmer: check out mobile bristol
Highest Seraph: google it?
Sean Follmer: http://www.mobilebristol.com/flash.html
Highest Seraph: ah, i arelady found it by googling it
Sean Follmer: yah
Sean Follmer: its free software
Sean Follmer: not open source though
Sean Follmer: i think
Highest Seraph: ah
Highest Seraph: i c
Sean Follmer: it runs on pocket pcs
Sean Follmer: they have a lot of cool examples
Highest Seraph: how cool
Sean Follmer: well there was one that was a history based thing where you walk to
different places in a park and you hear different parts of this one story, but where you had
been before afeccted what you would hear
Highest Seraph: hmm
Highest Seraph: well, all i want to do is virtual tagging
Highest Seraph: and virtual media
Highest Seraph: if possible
Sean Follmer: yah i know but they had to tag things
Highest Seraph: oh
8:10 PM
Sean Follmer: and then based on the tags it would play the audio, but you could program it
to display text or video or wahtever
Sean Follmer: but it was wireless tracking not physical tags
Sean Follmer: checck out qr codes
Highest Seraph: yeah, that's what i wanted to do at uci
Sean Follmer: they are advanced japanese barcodes
Highest Seraph: cuz they have a campus wide wireless network
Highest Seraph: so what i was thking
Highest Seraph: is to take advantage of that
Highest Seraph: 25,000 students
Sean Follmer: yah
Highest Seraph: the majority have laptops
Sean Follmer: cool
Highest Seraph: wireless technology
Highest Seraph: and wala!
Highest Seraph: tagging
Highest Seraph: galore
8:15 PM
Sean Follmer: for augmented reality using patern codes ar toolkit http://
Sean Follmer: and this uses director to make it simple but director is spensive. DART Designers
Augmented Reality Toolkit http://www.cc.gatech.edu/dart/
Highest Seraph: hmm
Sean Follmer: these are slightly different
Sean Follmer: but i thought you might like them
Highest Seraph: ah, yes
Sean Follmer: they use little bar codes to figure out where the camera is pointing but they
can also hod info
Highest Seraph: the dart thing seems to... fancy
Highest Seraph: i was thking triangulation
Highest Seraph: to figure out where you are
Sean Follmer: yah but then you need expensive sensors
Highest Seraph: oh
Sean Follmer: i thought you wanted to tag things with bar codes
Highest Seraph: i wanted to tag without tags
Sean Follmer: ah
Highest Seraph: because then i would have to put stickers and stuff
Highest Seraph: and i don't want to make a mess of my school
Sean Follmer: oh i thought you liked the physical and metaphysical interaction
Highest Seraph: i liked that, but i want it more... i dunno
8:20 PM
Sean Follmer: yah well in that case, then there a lot of different ways to get wireless
location data but most of them arnt so acurate and are expensive when you want more
Highest Seraph: how bout this
Highest Seraph: hmmm
Sean Follmer: but a gps reciever could be had for 100-200 dolars
Highest Seraph: whoa!
Highest Seraph: that's expensive
Sean Follmer: however wont be too acurate
Highest Seraph: how bout this
Highest Seraph: having an online map
Highest Seraph: of my school
Highest Seraph: and then
Sean Follmer: yah
Highest Seraph: you can click where u are
Sean Follmer: yah but thats lame
Sean Follmer: at least bar code things then
Highest Seraph: hmmm
Sean Follmer: that could be cool
Sean Follmer: or maybe you could triangulate bassed on wifi signals but you would have to
write or find a lot of code
Highest Seraph: oh, did you check out the yellowarrow project
Highest Seraph: hmm
Highest Seraph: i have to look into this triangulating with wifi
Sean Follmer: i heard about that before its pretty cool
Highest Seraph: im going to wait for the email to come back from dencity
Sean Follmer: thats why i thought you wanted to physically tag things
Highest Seraph: and see what they say
Highest Seraph: i wanted to go a step further
Sean Follmer: i see
Highest Seraph: no physical tags
Highest Seraph: just being in a location
8:25 PM
Sean Follmer: yah thats why i showed you all that other crap like mobile bristol. but i have
more info i think on other ar projects, and yours is pretty run of the mill, so im sure you
could find lots of open source stuff on it
Highest Seraph: good
Highest Seraph: that requires less work for me
Sean Follmer: haha
Highest Seraph: hehe
Highest Seraph: i mean, i don't remember anything about programming
Sean Follmer: oh do you go to irvine
Sean Follmer: yah you do
Highest Seraph: yeah
Highest Seraph: huh?
Highest Seraph: i couldn't tell if you were trying to insult me
Sean Follmer: no
Sean Follmer: at uci they have a realy cool ar project
Highest Seraph: really
Sean Follmer: called the virtual raft project
Highest Seraph: interesting
Sean Follmer: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~wmt/virtualRaftProject.html
Sean Follmer: watch the video
Sean Follmer: its indor
Highest Seraph: crap, some one beat me to it
Sean Follmer: indoor not outside
Highest Seraph: oh
Highest Seraph: hmm
Sean Follmer: and really has nothing to do with what you were talking about, however
other people have beat you at other schools
Highest Seraph: dang
Sean Follmer: check out the video
Highest Seraph: yeah, im watching it right...
Highest Seraph: now
Sean Follmer: its cool i saw the guy bill tomlinson talk at siggraph and saw the setup
Sean Follmer: it was really quite cool
8:30 PM
Highest Seraph: whoa
Highest Seraph: that's an awesome cideo
Highest Seraph: video
Sean Follmer: yah
Highest Seraph: why am i not doing programming
Sean Follmer: its even cooler in person
Highest Seraph: lol
Highest Seraph: i can imagine
Sean Follmer: yah its stuff like that that makes me want to go into cs
Highest Seraph: but then i can't stare at a comp screen for that long
Highest Seraph: i've tried it
Sean Follmer: haha
Sean Follmer: lcds are nicer on the eyes
Highest Seraph: lol
Sean Follmer: check out this guy when you get to uci http://www.ics.uci.edu/~wmt/
Highest Seraph: and i was able to skip my programming class i needed to take
Highest Seraph: cuz of apcs
Sean Follmer: he created the program
8:35 PM
Sean Follmer: informatics looks like a cool major
Sean Follmer: The newly approved major in Informatics covers the design, implementation, use
and impact of information technology. Compared to traditional computer science, which primarily
focuses on the internal features of computer systems, Informatics is also concerned with computer
systems and their surrounding context—the people and organizations that use them and the
problems they need to solve. Informatics aims to:
» apply information technology to real world problems;
» design and develop new uses for information technology;
» understand the impact information technology has on people;
The Informatics major addresses the broad set of issues surrounding design, including initial
requirements gathering, estimating and measuring the impact of alternative solutions and
implementing those solutions—all from a multi-disciplinary perspective that includes computer
science, information science, organizational science, social science and cognitive science.
The other person, or their software, refused the request.
Sean Follmer: http://www.ics.uci.edu/informatics/ugrad/index.php
Sean Follmer: The newly approved major in Informatics covers the design, implementation, use
and impact of information technology. Compared to traditional computer science, which primarily
focuses on the internal features of computer systems, Informatics is also concerned with computer
systems and their surrounding context—the people and organizations that use them and the
problems they need to solve.
Sean Follmer: apply information technology to real world problems;
» design and develop new uses for information technology;
» understand the impact information technology has on people;
The Informatics major addresses the broad set of issues surrounding design, including initial
requirements gathering, estimating and measuring the impact of alternative solutions and
implementing those solutions—all from a multi-disciplinary perspective that includes computer
science, information science, organizational science, social science and cognitive science.
Sean Follmer: quite cool
Sean Follmer: duble major in this and math
Sean Follmer: lol
Highest Seraph: hehe
Highest Seraph: i might as well triple major
Sean Follmer: what did you want to major in?
Highest Seraph: mech. eng.
Sean Follmer: oh then this and mech. eng
Sean Follmer: and when your in mech. eng
Sean Follmer: check out computational fluid dynamics
Sean Follmer: cfd is really cool
Highest Seraph: because i already wanted to do mech. eng. and math
Sean Follmer: oh i see
Highest Seraph: so i'll just stay like another 2 years at uci
Highest Seraph: and triple major
Sean Follmer: haha
8:40 PM
Highest Seraph: everything seems to interesting
Sean Follmer: math sucks you want informatics
Sean Follmer: yah i know
Sean Follmer: i have to decide in 2 weeks
Highest Seraph: lol
Highest Seraph: i already decided
Sean Follmer: math is cool take mathimatical modling
Sean Follmer: you will love diferential equations
Sean Follmer: because thats where math can model the real world
Highest Seraph: we;ve already done diffiQ's to an extent
Sean Follmer: haha
Sean Follmer: not really
Highest Seraph: in pacitti's class
Sean Follmer: only really easy normal ones
Highest Seraph: oh
Sean Follmer: im talking partial baby
Highest Seraph: hehe
Highest Seraph: whoa
Sean Follmer: yah
Highest Seraph: i was downloading at 1meg/sec for a little bit
Sean Follmer: nice
Sean Follmer: what ya downloading
Highest Seraph: mbtoolkit
Highest Seraph: mobile bistrol
Sean Follmer: oh cool
Sean Follmer: good luck with that
Highest Seraph: thx
Sean Follmer: that would be awesome
Highest Seraph: i have to start it at uci
Sean Follmer: yah
Highest Seraph: then i'll be the cool guy on campus
8:45 PM
Sean Follmer: haha
Highest Seraph: hehe
Sean Follmer: http://www.calit2.net/
Sean Follmer: its at uci
Sean Follmer: really cool
Sean Follmer: Extend the reach of the Internet throughout the physical world. Cal-(IT)2 teams UCSD and UCI
faculty, students, and research professionals with leading California telecommunications, computer, software, and
applications companies to conduct research on the scientific and technological components needed to bring this new
Internet into being. Institute applications researchers are conducting their studies in “living laboratories” to investigate
how this future Internet will accelerate advances in environmental science, civil infrastructure, intelligent
transportation and telematics, genomic medicine, the new media arts, and educational practices.
Highest Seraph: interesting
Sean Follmer: see if you could intern there sometime
Highest Seraph: but im a mech, eng, major
Highest Seraph: and math
Sean Follmer: oh yah
Sean Follmer: math sucks
Sean Follmer: you want
Sean Follmer: informatics
Highest Seraph: lol
Sean Follmer: but math is cool
Sean Follmer: but kinda exhausted
Sean Follmer: but check out topography
Highest Seraph: yeah
Sean Follmer: yah
8:50 PM
Highest Seraph: but i dunno
Highest Seraph: im just doing math so i could do some theoretical science in grad school
Sean Follmer: whatever man
Sean Follmer: informatics
Sean Follmer: thats what you want
Highest Seraph: string theory
Sean Follmer: haha
Highest Seraph: superfluids
Highest Seraph: superconductors
Sean Follmer: eh too theoretical
Sean Follmer: could never get anywhere
Highest Seraph: imagine, if i discover a roomtempurator superconductor
Sean Follmer: haha
Highest Seraph: tempurature
Sean Follmer: yah right
Sean Follmer: like no one else is trying
Highest Seraph: no...
Sean Follmer: its not like the holy grail or anything
Highest Seraph: hehe
Sean Follmer: informatics thats what you want
Sean Follmer: combine the real world with technology (and math)
Sean Follmer: yah
Sean Follmer: math
Sean Follmer: math is good
Sean Follmer: major in math
Highest Seraph: yeah it is
Sean Follmer: have your heard of cfd
Highest Seraph: i've heard of it, but i don't understand how it works
Sean Follmer: you shold check out mathematical modeling
Sean Follmer: major in mechanical engineering
Sean Follmer: yah that way you can build things and change the world
Sean Follmer: change the world with technology
Highest Seraph: that's what i was planning on
Highest Seraph: inventing stuff
Sean Follmer: you should major in informatics to change the world with tech
Sean Follmer: yah
Sean Follmer: informatics thats what you want
Highest Seraph: inventing more useless stuff that ppl would have to buy
Sean Follmer: yah
8:55 PM
Sean Follmer: informatics thats the future
Highest Seraph: it probably is, but it's not my future
Sean Follmer: ok i think we went in a full circle, um have you heard of the virtual raft
Sean Follmer: how about ar toolkit
Sean Follmer: mobile bristol?
Sean Follmer: now you tell me about yellow arrow
Sean Follmer: and dencity
Sean Follmer: and then i can leave
Highest Seraph: lol
Highest Seraph: see ya
Sean Follmer: you didnt ask me
Highest Seraph: if you want to leave
Highest Seraph: oh, have you heard about dencity
Highest Seraph: and yellow arrow
Highest Seraph: ?
Sean Follmer: its a joke ben the whole thing, a big cirlcle
Highest Seraph: ?
Sean Follmer: once we got to the peak
Highest Seraph: joke, joke? what's a joke
Sean Follmer: the other half was fake
Highest Seraph: hahaha
Highest Seraph: i can laugh
Highest Seraph: you make carbon life forms laugh
Sean Follmer: once i found out you didnt want to major in informatics
Highest Seraph: hahaha
Sean Follmer: yah
Sean Follmer: so anyawy
Highest Seraph: crap man
Highest Seraph: i gotta finish reading my book
Sean Follmer: what you want is informatics
Sean Follmer: i can sell you an informatics
Sean Follmer: for real cheap
Highest Seraph: im going to be majoring in mehc. eng. though
Highest Seraph: and math
Sean Follmer: real cheap. and it never breaks
Highest Seraph: lol
Sean Follmer: never *it brakes*
Sean Follmer: that was not a production model
Sean Follmer: you know
Highest Seraph: ...
Highest Seraph: no
Sean Follmer: it never breaks
Sean Follmer: really
Sean Follmer: seriously
Sean Follmer: no joke
Sean Follmer: ok i see your point
Highest Seraph: what are you talking about sean
Sean Follmer: it broke
9:00 PM
Sean Follmer: but that was an optical illusion
Sean Follmer: seriously
Sean Follmer: no joke
Sean Follmer: it didnt break
Sean Follmer: it never breaks
Sean Follmer: fine then call my lawyer
Sean Follmer: ok i dont have one
Sean Follmer: but you should
Highest Seraph: but i am your lawyer
Sean Follmer: because im going to sue you up the ass for slander
Highest Seraph: and as your lawyer, i advise you not to call your lawyer
Sean Follmer: it never broke goddamnit, and ill have you say nothing different
Highest Seraph: hold on one moment, im going to re-read the past 50 lines or so
Sean Follmer: okj
Highest Seraph: and see where i am
Sean Follmer: sure no problem
Highest Seraph: and hopefully, what you're talking baout
Sean Follmer: line 55 in the script if you have it handy
Highest Seraph: this is so hilarious
Highest Seraph: im printing this
Sean Follmer: yah i am too
Sean Follmer: its brillint
Highest Seraph: HAHAHAHA
Highest Seraph: and we shuold perform it
Highest Seraph: it's so pointless
Highest Seraph: yet so funny
Sean Follmer: yah you know it